Susan & Juda Quastel Endowment Fund
The mitzvah of giving was one of the most fundamental beliefs by which both my husband and I were raised. Juda was born in England and gained world prominence as a scientist. I grew up in Amsterdam, where my family had lived for over 400 years. From an early age, my father taught me to care for those less fortunate.
Both Juda and I spent our lives devoted to Israel and our local Jewish communities. We met at a Board of Governors meeting of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and retained a lifelong love for the institution and its programs. I served as the president of the Pacific Region and have made the Hebrew University a major recipient of the income from my endowment fund.
I am a great believer in Jewish continuity and it is my hope that my endowment will help strengthen the future of this community so that all can live in freedom for many generations to come.
Susan Quastel