Why Work With Us
Funds Under Management
Our vibrant Jewish community is a gift from those who came before us, and given to us with the hope and understanding that we would protect it, strengthen it, and leave it richer for the next generation. True to our mandate, the Jewish Community Foundation is proud to partner with organizations, individuals and families who share a common vision of perpetuating the values of tikkun olam, klal Israel and tzedakah. Our partners understand that their resources will be prudently invested and professionally managed. Together, we carry out the important work of building and enriching our community.
We work with our donors to ensure they’re able to maximize the impact they can make in the local or global community. Funds can be established at any stage of life, and we work with families to create multi-generational plans to keep legacies alive.
See an alphabetical list of our funds. Funds represented fall into one of three categories: unrestricted, donor-advised or designated.
Unrestricted Funds
Thanks to the generosity of donors establishing unrestricted funds, the Foundation’s vital grant program can respond to rapidly evolving and emerging community needs.
- Elliot Belkin Philanthropic Fund
- Norman & Evelyn Charach Fund
- Pauline Cohen Endowment Fund
- Community Endowment Fund
- Charles and Dora Davis Endowment Fund
- Stojan Divljak Endowment Fund
- Eisman Family Endowment Fund
- Hank and Anita Goodman Endowment Fund
- Rose & John Gordon Endowment Fund
- John Grot Endowment Fund
- Louis Kanee Israel Endowment Fund
- Louis Kanee Vancouver Endowment Fund
- Gerry and David Kline Endowment Fund
- Bill and Risa Levine Family Fund
- Frieda and Joel Lichtenstein Endowment Fund
- Earl & Jennie Lohn Memorial Fund
- Clifford Margolis Family Endowment Fund
- Eugene and Karla Marks Family Endowment Fund
- Esther Montefiore Endowment Fund
- Philip Pelzman Memorial Fund
- Allan Posthuma Endowment Fund
- Russell & DuMoulin Endowment Fund
- Morris Saltzman Endowment Fund
- Jack I. Segal Memorial Fund
- Ellen & Cecil Sheinin Endowment Fund
- Phyliss & Irving Snider Endowment Fund
- Dr. Arnie Virtue Fund
- Louis Zacks Unrestricted Endowment Fund
- Sidney & Gertrude Zack Endowment Fund
- Zalkow Family Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Fund
Donor-advised funds enable fund-holders to support the charitable organizations, areas of interest, and programs of their choosing.
- Ava Diamond Abramowich Endowment Fund
- Daniella Diamond Abramowich Endowment Fund
- Jack Diamond Abramowich Endowment Fund
- Andre & Sheila Anzarut Family Philanthropic Fund
- Martin Arndt Family Memorial Fund
- Diane Averbach Charitable Fund
- Ralph Barer and Aileen Barer Family Philanthropic Fund
- Shirley Barnett Philanthropic Fund
- Roberta Lando Beiser Endowment Fund
- Reni Lefohn Belzberg Family Philanthropic Fund
- Jonathan & Heather Berkowitz Family Fund
- Norbert & Sheila Berkowitz Memorial Philanthropic Fund
- Maurice Bloch and Susan Comay Family Fund
- Jake and Jillian Boxer Family Philanthropic Fund
- Esther Chetner Family Fund
- Ted & Babs Cohen Legacy Fund
- Bob and Helen Coleman Philanthropic Fund
- Jonathan Coleman Philanthropic Fund
- Cristall Group Fund
- The Harvey and Jody Dales Family Philanthropic Foundation Fund
- Daum-Fajardo Memorial Philanthropic Fund
- Diamond Family Endowment Fund
- Jill Diamond Endowment Fund
- Steven Diamond Memorial Fund
- Arthur and Judy Dodek Family Fund
- Daniel and Michelle Dodek Family Fund
- Alissa Ehrenkranz Family Fund
- Deborah & Moshe Langman Elson Family Fund
- Faigen Family Fund
- Arnie and Susan Fine Family Philanthropic Fund
- David, Deborah and Dorothy Freedman Family Fund
- Freedman Brothers Endowment Fund
- Max and Margaret Fugman Family Fund
- Gaerber Family Fund in Memory of Ed & Marilyn Gaerber
- Ivan & Laurie Gasoi Family Endowment Fund
- Barry Glotman Family Philanthropic Fund
- Melanie Gold Memorial Fund
- Irving and Evelyn Goldenberg Family Philanthropic Fund
- Jeffrey Goldberg Endowment Fund
- Lorne Greenberg Family Fund
- Harry and Jeanette Greenhut Family Endowment Fund
- Peter and Marla Gropper Family Fund
- Gropper Leadership Development Philanthropic Fund
- Harowitz/Willmot Family Philanthropic Fund
- Paul & Edwina Heller Memorial Fund
- Hister/Simon Family Philanthropic Fund
- Howard/Baker Family Endowment Fund
- Hyman/Karp Family Endowment Fund
- Israels Family Philanthropic Fund
- Arlene James Family Fund
- Karen James Family Fund
- Howard and Simone Kallner Family Fund
- Karby Family Philanthropic Fund
- Katz Family Endowment Fund
- Puterman Katzenstein Family Fund
- Jeffrey and Wendi Klein Family Fund
- Judi and David Korbin Family Fund
- Robert and Marilyn Krell Family Fund
- Alan and Candace Kwinter Family Fund
- Louis J. Lefohn Foundation Endowment Fund
- Shanie Levin Philanthropic Fund
- Libin Family Fund
- Mark & Gerri London Family Endowment Fund
- Herbert and Evelynne Loomer Family Philanthropic Fund
- Markin Family Fund in Memory of Jack and Ann Markin
- Lutsky Mendelson Family Charitable Fund
- Yale & Carole Malkin Family Philanthropic Fund
- Simon and Janice Margolis Family Philanthropic Fund
- The Mikelberg Family Philanthropic Fund
- Michael and Carol Millman Family Philanthropic Fund
- Sarah and Philip Millman Memorial Fund
- Florence and Harold Morris Family Philanthropic Fund
- Phyllis & Michael Moscovich Youth Programs Philanthropic Fund
- Margolis-Nadel Family Philanthropic Fund
- Nathan Nifco Family Philanthropic Fund
- Carol & Peter Oreck Family Philanthropic Fund
- Sidney & Tabala Oreck Family Fund
- Neil and Donna Ornstein Endowment Fund
- Daniel and Trudy Pekarsky Continuity Fund
- Pinsky/Givon Philanthropic Fund
- Yvette & Hershey Porte Family Endowment Fund
- Dr. Michael Potter and Naomi Voss Family Fund
- Doug and Lana (Marks) Pulver Family Fund
- Larry & Betty Rice Family Philanthropic Fund
- Nancy Richler Endowment Fund
- Dr. William Hy and Ruth Ross Family Philanthropic Fund
- Arthur Sommer Rotenberg Fund for Jewish Medical Ethics
- Harley and Eleanor Rothstein Philanthropic Fund
- Doreen Rozen and Marc Rozen Fund
- Norman and Frankie Samuels Memorial Philanthropic Fund
- Dr. Abraham and Joyce Satanove Memorial Fund
- Azriel & Rifka Leah Segal Family Fund
- Gary and Nanci Segal Family Fund
- Joseph Segal Endowment Fund
- Justin and Yael Segal Family Fund
- Sam Shamash Endowment Fund
- Adam Shiff Endowment Fund
- Allison Shiff Endowment Fund
- Ari Shiff & Carla van Messel Endowment Fund
- Jedidiah Shiff Endowment Fund
- Katherine (Rosie) Shiff Endowment Fund
- Micah Shiff Endowment Fund
- Shiff/van Messel Fund for Jewish Camps in memory of Murray Shiff
- Arnold and Anita Silber Family Fund
- Silverman Family Legacy of Hope Fund
- Smith Family Life Saving Fund
- Soskin/SoFine Foundation Philanthropic Fund
- Dr. Howard Stein Fund
- Ronald & Janet Stern Family Philanthropic Fund
- Renee Switzer Family Fund for Human Rights & Social Justice
- Perry and Laureen Teperson Family Fund
- Thau Family Philanthropic Fund
- Judy and Malcolm Weinstein Family Philanthropic Fund
- Wellington Family Philanthropic Fund
- Isidor & Harriett Wolfe Family Fund
- Rahel Wosk Bat Mitzvah Fund
- Aaron, Linda and Ted Zacks Family Philanthropic Fund
- Louis Zacks Philanthropic Fund for Israel
- Znaimer Family Fund
Designated Funds
Designated funds direct distributions to specific charitable organizations named by the donor when the fund is established.
- Betty Averbach Maccabi Legacy Fund
- Gary Averbach Family Endowment Fund
- Barish Family Endowment Fund for Jewish Historical Society
- Muriel and Sam Bass Family Endowment Fund
- Norma Ross Bass Memorial Fund
- Joel and Ilene-Jo Bellas Family Fund
- Miriam Bookbinder Endowment Fund
- Abe & Elaine Charkow Endowment Fund for Immigrant Services
- Sara Ciacci Fund for Jewish Family Services Food and Shelter
- Alvin & Ellen Cohen Family Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Service Agency
- Cronk Family Endowment Fund
- Jody & Harvey Dales Endowment Fund for JFSA
- Gordon & Leslie Diamond Family Fund for Ohel Ya’akov Community Kollel
- Diamond Family JFSA Endowment for Poverty Relief & Senior Services
- Arnie & Susan Fine Family Fund for Hillel House
- Arnie & Susan Fine Family Fund for King David High School
- Carly & Adam Fine and Brent & Tedi Martin Fund for Camp Hatikvah
- Franci Finkelstein Memorial Fund
- Hannah Frankel Fund for Jewish Continuity
- Dennis and Naomi Frankenburg Endowment Fund
- Fugman Family Endowment Fund
- Fay and Kenneth N. Golden Endowment Fund
- Myer and Bea Goldberg Family Endowment Fund
- Sid, Sara, Ilene-Jo & Wayne Greenberg Endowment Fund
- The Greenwald Family Fund
- Alfred and Ann Groberman Memorial Garden Fund — Beth Israel Cemetery
- Gruenthal Family Fund
- Edwina & Paul Heller Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Service Agency
- David and Evelyn Jackson Family Endowment Fund
- Ralph and Barbara James Family Fund
- Abe & Lydia Jampolsky Family Endowment Fund
- JCC Maccabi Games Endowment Fund
- Lynn Carol Kagan Endowment Fund
- Sally & Harry Karlinsky Family Endowment Fund
- Katz Family Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Service Agency
- Myrna Koffman LOJE Fund
- Len and Mollie Korsch Family Endowment Fund
- Harold and Rita Krivel Endowment Fund
- Cultural Arts Endowment Fund for L’Chaim Daycare at JCCGV
- Etta & Lou Lefohn Endowment Fund for JCCGV
- Sally & Al Lesk Yaffa Housing Residents Endowment for JCC Participation
- Bill & Risa Levine Family Endowment Fund for JCCGV
- Bill & Risa Levine Family Endowment Fund for King David High School
- Bill & Risa Levine Family Endowment Fund for Louis Brier Home and Hospital
- Levitt Romalis Family Fund
- Norman and Minna Loomer Endowment Fund
- Perry & Emmy Maerov Family Endowment Fund
- Mermelstein-5-Sisters Fund
- Jean Milavsky/Bortnick Endowment Fund
- Esther Montefiore Endowment Fund
- Zoe & Norman “Babe” Oreck Endowment Fund
- Norman & Lola Pawer Endowment Fund for Camp Hatikvah
- Anne (Jenkins) Philipp and Al Jenkins Endowment Fund
- Leo and Matilda Porte Endowment Fund
- Susan and Juda H. Quastel Endowment Fund
- Warren and Miri Ratner Fund
- Irvin and Ann Rivkin Family Endowment Fund
- Abe & Joanne Rosenbaum Fund
- Ruthie Ross Endowment Fund
- Norman & Annette Rothstein Endowment Fund
- Julie Shatsky Family Fund
- Ari Shiff and Carla van Messel Family Fund
- Anita and Arnold Silber Family Fund for Judaic Studies at King David High School
- A. Silber Family Foundation Fund for Schara Tzedeck
- Cherie Smith Endowment Fund for Jewish Historical Society
- Phyliss & Irving Snider Endowment Fund for Campus Outreach Engagement
- Phyliss & Irving Snider Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Services Agency
- Sonner Family Bursary Fund
- Mark and Jayson Spevakow Endowment for King David High School
- Vivienne Taylor and Anton Kuipers Endowment Fund
- Thau Family Fund for the Holocaust Centre Society for Education and Remembrance
- Thau Family Fund for the Jewish Film Centre Society
- Thau Family Fund for the Louis Brier Home and Hospital
- Isaac Waldman Library Endowment Fund
- Rinaldo Wassman Endowment Fund
- Henriette and Leonard White Endowment Fund
- Ethel Wiss Shalom BC Legacy Fund
- Jack & Naomi Wolfe Endowment Fund for JFSA
- Dena Wosk Endowment Fund for JCC School of Performing Arts
- Drs. Mordehai & Hana, Ariel & Daniel Wosk Family Fund
- Ron and Roni Wosk Endowment Fund
- David Zacks Family Fund
- Zlotnik Endowment Fund
- Zlotnik Family Endowment Fund
- Garry & Lisbeth Zlotnik Endowment Fund for JFSA
- Garry Zlotnik Family Fund
Field of Interest Funds
Field of interest funds distribute income to one or more areas of interest or purpose, as chosen by the donor when the fund is established.
- Norma Ross Bass Memorial Fund
- Frances & Sam Belzberg Jewish Education Endowment Fund
- Charles Diamond Jewish Education Endowment Fund
- Michael H. Epstein Fund
- Ancie and Arthur Fouks Jewish Continuity Fund
- Thelma Koffman Friedman Fund
- Carol Fugman Fry Fund for Inclusion Services
- Susan Fugman Fund
- Leon Glassman Fund for Jewish Continuity Through Education
- Israel Social Services Endowment Fund
- Koffman Youth Programs To Israel Endowment Fund
- Myrna & Albert Kolberg Jewish Education Endowment Fund
- Naimark Family Endowment for Dental Services
- Cheryl Rimer Endowment Fund
- Margaret Segal Fund in Support of Vulnerable Populations
- Services For Seniors Endowment Fund
- Deborah MacDonald-Sutton Fund
- Toronto Dominion Bank Endowment Fund for Capital Projects
Scholarships, Awards and Camperships
Facilitating connections between young people and Jewish life is important to our fund holders. The following endowment funds provide need- and merit-based scholarships, as well as need-based camperships to ensure that as many children as possible can receive a Jewish education or attend a Jewish summer camp.
- Harry and Sylvia Avery Memorial Scholarship Fund
- George and Geraldine Biely Endowment Fund
- B’nai B’rith Scholarship Fund
- Cohen-Reiss Endowment Fund
- Deloitte & Touche Endowment Fund
- Gordon and Leslie Diamond Community Service Award Fund for KDHS
- The Sidney H. Doduck z’l Memorial Endowment for Scholarships
- Dena Elias Memorial Fund for Camp Miriam Camperships
- Dr. Morris Faigen Endowment Fund
- Naomi Frankenberg Award Fund
- Israel Experience Scholarship Endowment Fund
- King David High School Scholarship Award Fund
- Beatrice Mazoff Brownstein z”l Fund
- The Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Endowment Fund for King David High School
- Sheryl Michelson Young nee Doduck Memorial Scholarship for Home Economics, Arts and Design at King David High School
- David and Irma Zack Endowment Fund for Camperships
The Book of Life is a record of why and how individuals and families have committed to endow the future of our community. Read their stories.
Designated Funds
Women’s Endowment Fund
The Women’s Endowment Fund (WEF) is a designated fund providing support to specific programs and projects in the community that benefit women and children.
Grants from the WEF have supported programs providing rent subsidies to low-income families, outreach services to local Jewish families who live outside the city of Vancouver, and early-childhood education subsidies.
The following donors have created endowments to support the Women’s Endowment Fund in perpetuity:
Women’s Endowment Fund
- Ruth Posen Memorial Fund for the Women’s Endowment – Contributed by Deena Chochinov and Eric Posen
- Estelle Fogell Endowment for Women’s Endowment Fund
- Jennie Virtue Endowment for the Women’s Endowment Fund
- Harriett Lemer and Ron Einblau Endowment Fund
Tax deductible donations to the WEF may also be made via Tribute Cards.
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Funds (PACE) – The Jewish Federation Annual Campaign is the central fundraising effort of our Jewish community. Ensure that your gift to the Annual Campaign continues in perpetuity, as established through a bequest. This type of fund includes the Lion of Judah Endowments (LOJE).
Lion of Judah Endowments (LOJE) – The Lion of Judah program recognizes women who make a financial commitment of at least $5,000 to the Federation Annual Campaign. Lions of Judah who wish to leave a lasting legacy to their community are encouraged to establish a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE). These flexible, perpetual endowments continue benefitting our Jewish community long after you are gone. A LOJE is created when a woman establishes, in her name, a minimum fund of $100,000 or more, through a bequest, a cash gift or other funding vehicle, to ensure the perpetuation of her $5,000 Federation Annual Campaign gift. Establishing a LOJE is one of the most powerful statements you can make about your commitment to the Jewish community.
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Funds (PACE)
- Arnold Fine PACE Fund
- Robert Edward and Marthena Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund
- David A. Freeman P.A.C.E. Endowment Fund
- Max and Margaret Fugman Family Fund
- Leonard Herbert Margolese Memorial PACE Fund
- Marian Margolis Endowment Fund
- Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund
- Sharon Snider Endowment Fund
Lion of Judah Endowments (LOJE)
- Betty Averbach Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Reni Belzberg Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Judith Cohen LOJE Fund
- Jody Dales Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Jill Diamond Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Leslie Diamond Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Susan Fine Lion of Judah Fund
- Shirley Veiner Fitterman Endowment Fund
- Sondra Green LOJE Endowment Fund
- Bette-Jane Israels LOJE Fund
- Karen James Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Myrna Koffman LOJE
- Bev Libin Lion of Judah Endowment Fund
- Trudy Pekarsky Lion of Judah Fund
- Lana Marks Pulver Lion of Judah Fund
- Ruthie Ross Endowment Fund
- Diane Switzer Endowment Fund
Organizational Funds
We work closely with many local Jewish organizations to support their work addressing community needs, and to ensure their continuing ability to fulfil their missions. Many organizations have established their own endowment funds at the Foundation.
Organizational Fund Holders and Supporting Funds
B’nai B’rith Foundation
- B’nai B’rith Scholarship Fund
Burquest Jewish Community Association
- Burquest Jewish Community Association Endowment Fund
Camp Miriam
- John Fraser Endowment Fund for Camp Miriam
Congregation Beth Israel
- Congregation Beth Israel Endowment Fund
Congregation Har El
- Congregation Har El Endowment Fund
Habonim Dror
- Habonim Dror Foundation Fund
Hillel BC Society
- Hillel BC Community Fund
- Mordehai and Hana Wosk Family Leadership Development Fund for Hillel
Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver
- Nancy Richler Fiction Prize Fund
- Arnold & Anita Silber Family Endowment for JCCGV
- Cherie Smith Lecture Fund
- Cherie Smith Memorial Fund
- Dena Wosk Memorial Scholarship Fund for JCC School of Performing Arts
- Diamond Family JCCGV Endowment Fund
- Fine Family Youth Development Fund for the JCCGV
- Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund for JCCGV
- L’Chaim Adult Day Centre Endowment Fund
- Lisa Nemetz Memorial Endowment for JCC Festival of Jewish Culture
- Lucile Rome Belkin Endowment Fund for JCCGV
- Phyliss & Irving Snider Foundation Endowment for Chutzpah! Festival
- Zalkow Family Endowment Fund for JCCGV
Jewish Family Services
- Ali James Scholarship Fund
- Barrie and Ellen Yackness Family Endowment Fund
- Barry Corrin Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Services Agency
- Ben and Esther Dayson Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Services Agency
- Bonnie Lerman Children’s Endowment Fund for the Jewish Family Services Agency
- Brovender Family Endowment Fund
- Community Endowment Fund for Poverty Relief
- Ethan Filosof Memorial Fund
- Fanny, Sylvia & Etta Keel Fund for Women Who Need a Leg Up
- Greg and Melanie Samuels Family Endowment for Poverty Relief
- Isabel Lever Helping Hand Endowment Fund
- Jewish Family Service Agency Endowment Fund
- Jewish Family Service Agency Memorial and Honourary Endowment Fund
- Joe Segal Endowment Fund for the Jewish Food Bank
- JFSA Tikkun Olam Fund
- Kay & Max Walters Educational Endowment Fund for Jewish Family Services Agency
- Lynn Kaplan Emergency Medical Endowment Fund
- Martin Gerber Endowment Fund
- Miriam White Family Endowment Fund
- The Naomi Fund, in memory of Naomi Gropper Steiner
- Pullan Family Endowment Fund
- Sarah Lipovsky/JCCGV Endowment Fund for JFSA
- Sharon Kates Simchat Hochma Food Bank Fund
- Yosef, Avi, Rahel & Shevi Wosk Family Fund for JFSA
Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver
- Community Endowment Fund
- Israel Experience Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Israel Social Services Endowment Fund
- Shelley Goldberg Experience Israel Fund
- Mark Gurvis Professional Development Fund
- Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund
Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia
- Cyril Leonoff Fund for the Jewish Historical Society
- Jewish Historical Society of B.C. Endowment Fund
Jewish Seniors Alliance
- Jewish Seniors Alliance Endowment in honour of Serge Haber
King David High School
- King David High School Endowment Fund
- King David High School Scholarship Award Fund
- Sheryl Michelson Young nee Doduck Memorial Scholarship Fund
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Vancouver Section
- NCJW of Canada, Vancouver Section Endowment Fund
Ohel Ya’kov Community Kollel
- Community Kollel Endowment Fund
Shalhevet Girls High School
- Shalhevet Girls High School Fund
Temple Sholom
- Temple Sholom Endowment Fund at the JCF
Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre
- Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre Endowment Fund
Vancouver Jewish Film Centre Society
- Vancouver Jewish Film Centre Legacy Fund
Vancouver Talmud Torah
- Irma Zack MVP Endowment Fund
- Vancouver Talmud Torah Alumni Endowment Fund